If you are not already saving into private pension, we recommend that you start immediately. The earlier you start, the larger the fund will be, which will be available for withdrawal as you see fit from the age of 60.
It’s your choice where you keep your private pension savings, but LSR’s Private Pension is a good option. The fund is entirely owned by fund members, and therefore all benefits from the fund's activities go directly to fund members. You don't have to pay any fees, initial costs or change costs, and all premiums go directly into your savings from the first payment.
The private pension fund is managed by LSR's experienced asset management team, which has delivered good long-term returns.
If you were paying into LSR's private pension in your previous job and want to continue doing so, you can do one of the following:
- Fill out a new private pension agreement at LSR, where the new employer is specified, and LSR then sends the agreement to the new employer. This is likely to be the easiest and fastest way.
- If you were saving into LSR's Private Pension, you can contact LSR and request that the current agreement be forwarded to a new employer.
- Tell your new employer that you have a private pension agreement with LSR and want to continue paying into it.
If the employer agrees to pay private pension savings without having the agreement to hand, their payments to the LSR private pension fund will go into the correct account in your name.