Do you have loan rights at LSR?
You can easily check that on My Pages.
It is good to think about whether it is necessary to take out the loan, or whether it is possible to have it lower. In some cases, for example, it might make more sense to use savings or assets that can be sold instead of taking out a large loan.
When do you want to be finished paying off the loan?
Repayment of property loans is a long-term project, so it makes sense to think the issue through. For example, it might be wise to aim for the loan to be paid off before retirement.
What is a realistic loan amount?
When taking out a property loan from LSR and other creditors, you always have to go through a payment ability evaluation, where it is assessed how much you can borrow based on your monthly income and debts. This is covered in more detail below. When evaluating this, it is also important what your credit rating is and what your payment history has been with LSR, if you previously had a loan with the fund.
Is the mortgage limit on your property enough for the loan?
LSR lends up to 70% of the real property value or purchase price if you are buying a property. This means that if you are buying a property, you need to be able to pay at least 30% of the purchase price. It is therefore important to check carefully whether you have enough equity to support it.