Upon retirement
Retirement can be a big step and there is a lot to consider. It is best to start preparing for retirement well in advance, assess your and your spouse's financial situation, if applicable, and check what rights you have with your pension funds.
Upon the start of employment
Starting a new job is a big step. Whether you are taking your first steps on the labour market or are changing fields, it is good to take stock of the pension issues and assess whether everything is as it should be. Here we go over the main things to keep in mind.
Property purchase
Buying property can be complicated and overwhelming, and so can refinancing loans. Here is an overview of the main things to keep in mind when preparing to take out a loan from LSR, what needs to be available and how the application process is carried out.
Upon death
Upon the death of an LSR fund member, the surviving spouse and children may be entitled to spouse's and children's pension, in addition to inheriting the balance in private pension or specified private pension. There are many things to consider and here is an overview of the main factors.