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Responsible Investments

LSR has an important role and obligations as a responsible investor. The fund should adopt responsible practices and emphasise best practices, professionalism and initiative.

LSR is a long-term investor who strives to achieve a good rate of return, but is also a responsible shareholder and contributes to the development of practices in the securities market. The fund requires that companies it invests in work in accordance with social values, recognised guidelines for corporate governance and show responsibility in environmental matters.

LSR has adopted a Sustainability Policy that states how responsible investments should be conducted at LSR, what the basic criteria are and what methodology is used. LSR's Sustainability Policy can be found here. LSR's portfolios are evaluated based on ESG factors, and you can see a discussion of the ESG ratings of the fund's domestic and foreign assets here:

LSR’s Sustainability Policy

  1. Covers the fund's internal operations and investments
  2. Environmental factors, social factors and governance factors

Ownership Policy

LSR's ownership policy applies to all of the fund's investments and is intended to ensure continuity in the exercise of shareholder rights. The policy discusses LSR as an investor, how the fund's shareholder rights are applied and which main considerations are taken into account regarding issuers' governance practices. The policy covers all asset categories, such as listed shares, bonds and funds’ share certificates. The implementation of the policy takes into account the interests of each department, and the fund can therefore apply itself in different ways depending on the circumstances. You can find the Ownership Policy of LSR here.

UN PRI - UN criteria for Responsible Investment

LSR signed the United Nations criteria for responsible investments (UN PRI) and with that the fund has committed to look at environmental factors, social factors and governance factors (ESG) when evaluating and making investment decisions. Principles for Responsible Investment is an international association of investors who work together to implement certain basic criteria for responsible investment and receive the support of the United Nations.

The six Principles of PRI are as follows:

  • We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
  • We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
  • We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.
  • We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
  • We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.
  • We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.

CIC - Investments in Environmentally-Friendly Solutions

LSR was one of thirteen Icelandic pension funds that signed a declaration of intent on behalf of CIC - Climate Investment Coalition - whose purpose is to promote increased investments in clean energy sources and environmentally-friendly solutions. With its participation, LSR commits itself to investments in clean energy sources until the year 2030 and so does its share to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Therefore, an increase in investments classified as sustainable and responsible investments, including investments in clean energy sources, can be expected in the coming years.


LSR is one of the founding members of the organisation IcelandSIF - Iceland Sustainable Investment Forum. Their purpose is to increase investors' knowledge of the methodology of sustainable and responsible investments and to increase the discussion on responsible and sustainable investments.


LSR is a member of Festa — a centre for sustainability. Festa works with the aim of increasing knowledge about the sustainability of companies, institutions and others, as well as encouraging co-operation and actions in that field. By connecting different parties such as companies, municipalities, institutions and individuals, the company promotes co-operation and actions that increase sustainability in society.

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All operators of foreign investments at LSR are members of UN PRI, which cover about 44% of LSR's assets at the end of 2023.

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At year-end 2023, green and social bonds in LSR's portfolio amounted to approximately ISK 30 billion.

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LSR has set a goal of investing around ISK 100b in projects related to clean energy and other environmentally friendly solutions until the year 2030.