2024 Salary Statements for Pensioners and Retirees Issued
20. January 2025
LSR has now completed the submission of salary statements for pensioners and retirees to the Icelandic Tax Authority (RSK). The submission includes all fund members who received retirement or pension payments in 2024 from LSR's Division A, Division B, Private Pension, as well as ESÚÍ (Pension Fund for Employees of Útvegsbanki Íslands) and the LA and LR funds.

The information from these salary statements is pre-filled on tax returns and can be found on the Tax Authority's service portal. After logging into the service portal, select the "Almennt" section (General) and then the subsection "Innkomnar upplýsingar" (Incoming Information). Pensioners and retirees are encouraged to review this information and contact the fund if any discrepancies are found.
Salary statements are generally not sent out automatically. However, fund members are welcome to contact the fund at 510 6100 or via email at lifeyrir@lsr.is to request their salary statement. It is possible to receive either a digital version through Ísland.is or a paper copy.